Landscaping with Irises
This is a subject that is dear to my heart and as time permits I will add more thoughts and suggestions to this topic.
Irises are often overlooked by designers and yet their foliage can be a strong counterpoint to the foliage of other perennials and evergreens. They are particularly attractive with the popular tall grasses. We have created some new planting beds with Iris, grasses, shrubs and evergreens. Pictures and details to follow as the season progresses.
Here are a few thoughts:
White flowers make the garden sparkle. Check out What About Me, a spectacular Intermediate Bearded near-white iris that enhances the colours of Fanciful Whimsy in the garden. |
Tall Beardeds come in a wide range of heights from 28-40”. Be sure to plant a variety of heights along with a mixture of early and late blooming varieties. |
Extend your Iris season. Be sure to plant a variety of Miniature and Standard Dwarf iris which bloom throughout May and re-blooming irises which bloom again August, September and even October. |
For co-ordinating colour schemes, select irises that accentuate the colouring of
one Iris to another. For example, the edges and underside of the falls on Secret
Service bring out the red-toned colouring of Irises such as Dynamite or Cranapple. |
Ponds are popular and nothing looks nicer than a tall stand of Siberian Iris. Blooming throughout June, their slender foliage continues to add a reed like vertical form to the garden. |
Peonies and lilies are wonderful companion plants for Irises. The Iris foliage also complements later blooming perennials and shrubs. |
Xeriscaping with Iris
Iris make the perfect plant for water wise gardening. Since 2005 we have
worked with the City of Brantford and Brantford Garden Club. Together we have
created a demonstration garden encouraging visitors to choose plants that can
grow with less watering.