© Trails End Iris, All Rights Reserved. Last Updated: January 2022
Painting Your Gardens with Irises
Through the magic of digital photography, we will show you how to design gardens that use Irises to enhance your
landscapes and fill your gardens with glorious colour. |
Follow us as we take you through the Spring and early
Summer season and marvel at the Irises that flower again
from August till late Fall. You will see stunning close-ups
of the newest award winning varieties inter-planted with
evergreens, grasses and your favourite perennials. |
Irises are often overlooked by designers and yet their
foliage can be a strong counterpoint to the foliage of
other plants. They are particularly attractive with the popular tall grasses.
Our newer planting beds are actually gardens featuring
Iris interplanted with grasses, shrubs and evergreens.
before we start planting, there are a few things to consider.
Cultural Requirements
Bearded Irises love hot, dry conditions and
flower best given at least 6 hours of sun and good drainage.
If you are planting in a swamp, there are other types
of Iris that will tolerate and even enjoy those conditions;
we are primarily talking about Bearded Iris, so let's
keep things sunny and reasonably dry. |