Trails End Iris Gardens, Ontario, Canada

Painting Your Gardens with Irises - Continued

Extend Your Iris Season
Be sure to plant a variety of Miniature and Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris. They bloom throughout May. Also, remember the re-blooming varieties of Iris. They bloom during the May - June period and then again in August, September and even October.


Companion Plants
Ponds are popular and nothing looks nicer than a tall stand of Siberian Iris. Blooming throughout June, their slender foliage continues to add a reed-like vertical form to the garden. Peonies and lilies are wonderful companion plants for Irises. The Iris foliage also complements later blooming perennials and shrubs. In a hot pool location, Irises are the perfect foil to ground-hugging rockery plants like thyme and veronica.

Or how about with grasses?

and sometimes even without blooms!



We hope that you have enjoyed and learned something about the six classes of bearded irises
from these pages and perhaps we'll see you sometime when you visit our gardens.

Ann and Bob Granatier,
Trails End Iris Gardens

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